Ardent blog readers will know that I am a big fan of the Pew Research Center. I use much of their free data to help me teach AP US Government and Politics and for my personal learning. A big report came out recently highlighting how teenagers are using technology. As a high school teacher, these findings didn't surprise me, though the data does show that we as teachers and parents need to be aware of how much access our students and children have to the Internet.
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Figure 1 |
Figure 1 shows just how much has changed in a little more than one year. In a small span, 14% more teenagers own a smartphone, while nearly 80% of teens possess a cell phone. I would be interested to see how many teens own multiple digital devices. I come across many students who have their cell phones, iPod Touches, and in some cases own a tablet device.
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Figure 2 |
Figure 2 presents a demographics breakdown of who owns a cellphone versus a smartphone. None of these findings blew me away, though it was interesting to see how one's geography affects device ownership. Urban teenagers are more than twice as likely to possess a smartphone compared to rural teenagers. HOWEVER, the margin of error (M.O.E.) for this data are a bit on the high end, so one has to keep this in mind while analyzing the data. I always teach my students to be wary of a poll with an M.O.E. over 3.5., nevertheless, I give the benefit of the doubt to the reputable Pew organization.
So, what does all of this data mean? (I am so glad you As teachers we need to keep this information in mind as we plan lessons and incorporate technology inside and outside the classroom. I encourage my students to use their devices to look up information in class before asking me. I usually say, "How about you use your Google machine? You have the world at your fingertips" I do not say this to be a jerk, rather I say this to remind them that they are responsible for their education and they should take more initiative in their learning.
I teach in a school system that promotes and (rarely) punishes students for having their electronic devices out in the hallways or during class, though the policy does allow students to use their devices if their allows them. We as teachers need to use these devices to make learning more personal and engaging. If a large majority of our students are using cell phones and smartphones, then we should be incorporating tools like Edmodo and Remind101 to better reach and educate our students.
On the flip side, we also need to educate our students and children about the risks of always being connected. Sexting, vulgar language, and Twitter addiction can be extremely harmful not only to teenagers now, but also in their future. I tell my students regularly that they need to be careful what they post and say on the Internet because you never know if a future employer or college will be turned off by something you posted publicly.
If you want to get more information on this topic, check out this other Pew Report: How Teachers are Using Technology in their Homes and Classrooms