Over the summer, a colleague showed me Edcanvas; I was hooked immediately. I am not really sure how to describe Edcanvas, but to me it reminds me of an interactive classroom bulletin board. You can add all sorts of media types to your canvas for students to view, read, and analyze. If you are a fan of "flipping the classroom", this is an exciting resource you should try.
Not only could you, a teacher create an Edcanvas, but you could assign students to create one regarding a topic. Students can add comments on the side as they view/read each resource. A teacher can also create multiple choice questions to assess student comprehension regarding each resource. Another great perk is that Edcanvas easily works with Edmodo.
I recommend you take a few minutes and view some of the great items others have already created. I created a very simple Edcanvas this summer. I hope Edcanvas becomes part of your teaching toolbox this year!