Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Falling Back in Love with Edutopia

Ok, so I never really "fell out of love" with Edutopia, but I recently came across a couple of posts that gave me a jolt of enthusiasm. As a teacher, we can become complacent doing the same old things. Edutopia provides a variety of articles, resources, guides, etc. to help teachers learn new tips, strategies, and suggestions in an efficient manner. When I learn something new or discover a new strategy, I feel a burst of energy motivating me to use what I have just learned. Perhaps, you will find a few gems from Edutopia in the near future to spark your day or confirm what you are already doing.

Here are a couple of posts/articles I recently read that got me pumped up about Edutopia:

* 8 Tips to Power-Up Your Classroom Presentations

* 3 Strategies to Improve Writing Instantly

* The Biggest Hurdle to Flipping Your Class