Tuesday, March 6, 2012

NewsHour Extra

A "long time ago" a college professor told me that the PBS Newshour was the best newscast on American television because it delves into the issues without all the fluff found on the 24/7 cable networks. Since then, I regularly watch the PBS Newshour and use the great resources found on their NewsHour Extra website.

No matter your content area (social studies, science, English, health, math/economics, arts), you will be able to find great articles, videos, and lesson plans to make your lessons more relevant to the lives of your students on the NewsHour Extra website.

The PBS Newshour uploads quality videos of their nightly news clips. Not only can you link to the videos, but you can embed the clips into your website. Note that most clips are at least ten minutes in length, thus I often show pieces to correspond with my lesson.

One of my goals as an educator is to try daily to show how what I teach my students matters to their lives. Using current events is the best way to show students why what we teach matters. I teach three sections of ESOL government, and I love how the writing in the articles is written in an easy to read way, without watering down the content.

Since I do emphasize in my blog that I like sharing pragmatic resources, I would bookmark the NewsHour Extra website on those days when you need to create sub work. You can print an article (in PDF format) and comprehension/discussion questions that correspond to the article. A tip, I copy the questions, paste them into a Microsoft Word document in order to format the questions and add other questions.

A video from a recent PBS Newshour episode about a scientist who puts an interesting spin on health and population statistics.

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